For those of you that don't know, there was a time on test before 3.1 when the Seal of Righteousness glyph actually increased its damage by 30%. Unfortunately, they changed it back, and I'd like to make a point here about why it is unfortunate. Having Seal of Righteousness do more damage made it actually the best dps and threat seal when used with Broken Promise and about tied it with Seal of Corruption in other cases. This had a lot of interesting effects:
- It gave us a seal that wouldn't break CC
- It made Reckoning not useless again
- It made Expertise a good threat stat for us
- It gave us options
Reckoning, on the other hand, is not our strongest talent, far from it. However, it is on all accounts our most awesome talent. A lot of us became very disappointed when the rise of Corruption in the horde basically became the death of the fun talent that got us to 80 (for those of us who levelled as prot). It makes me smile every time I hear those double-swings. With Righteousness, 5/5 Reckoning was great, even necessary. Now, it's useless again.
Being able to use Expertise, on the other hand, is nice, if only so that we have more gear options. Right now, it's virtually a useless stat. Plus, it's even on our t7 helm and its only competitor, Helm of Vital Protection. It's on the Legplates of Sovereignty, the only 226 leggings pre-3.1. Being able to look at an Expertise item and not say "ugh" was a really nice thing. Now, that won't be the case. Expertise is still "ugh".
Finally, it gave us options. Different paladins might pick different seals, depending on their play style. Some paladins like the steady drip of a Corruption debuff. Other paladins like to do more damage. Some situations would call for one over the other: for example anything with an aggrowipe would require Corruption, while anything that needed more snap aggro would use Righteousness.
Unfortunately, all of that is gone. Despite having the 30% buff on test and despite overwhelming approval from the paladin community, the change didn't go through. Again, we're finding ourselves put in a box, rather than having the kind of options that make being a paladin tank fun and interesting. Plus, I really wanted to use Reckoning. It always makes me smile.
"Expertise is still "ugh"." ...... Obviously missing the WoW Factor in XSSXXXXual IT Schooling ...... with Virtually Enlightening Mentoring for Immaculate Edutainment of Heavens' Blundering in Perfect Plunder ..... Nature's Bounty.
Godisagoddess ur2die4 GAIA .... One of a Devilish SMART Super Media Groep on HyperRadioProActive IT Service ......... Prowling on Patrol with Parity ..... for AI Virtual Singularity Phormed with Beta MetaDataBase Mined Memes/Artificial CyberIntelAIgents.
How's it hangin'?
I have GAIA!
And it is so simple.
It is really quite exciting dont you think?
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